He plus shown disappointment that healthier words into sexual and reproductive health was not as part of the declarations

The representative of the Russian Federation said that he joined in on consensus on the texts, underscoring that they contain many important elements for humanity’s common future. During consultations, however, many Member States showed very clearly that they did not wish to be involved in attempts to politicize negotiations and serve the interests of the West. Some countries attempted to bring the issue of Ukraine into negotiations. He associated himself with the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations and expressed disappointment that the documents were to be adopted without an appeal to remove unilateral coercive sanctions against millions of people. It is obvious that the development of countries is being blocked by unilateral coercive measures. He also expressed concern that the declaration on tuberculosis saw a whole paragraph removed. The language was important as it considered the vulnerable situation of children with tuberculosis.

In explanation of vote after the vote, the representative of The country of spain, speaking on behalf of the European union, said she was delighted to approve the three political declarations and commended the co-facilitators that brought the Assembly together to reaffirm its commitment to improve global health. When it comes to pandemic preparedness, prevention and response, she underlined the power of collaboration to address global inequity and said the European Union is “walking the talk” by taking concrete action that makes everyone safer. She wanted the record to reflect the bloc’s disassociation with two points: The paragraph continuing non-consensual references to the right to development and that the transfer of technology must be voluntary and on mutually agreed terms.

With respect to common coverage of health, a top priority, she showcased the importance of first healthcare and sexual and you will reproductive wellness, plus the centrality out-of a health care associates

The representative of Australian continent, also speaking on behalf of Canada and This new Zealand, said that the three declarations aim to ensure “our health systems are equitable” and better positioned to respond to a future global pandemic. All people must be able to access equitable health services consistent with their human rights. The COVID?19 pandemic has had devastating health, economic and political effects on all Member States. Climate change is also impacting the delivery of health services. Non-communicable diseases are rising globally.

Embracing part 52 of the text and its own terminology to sexual and reproductive healthcare qualities and you may legal rights, the guy told you Oman often translate that it part according to research by the life of its community and its federal guidelines

The representative of Oman, speaking on behalf of the Gulf coast of florida Cooperation Council, said his delegation appreciated the negotiations that led to the Political Declaration on pandemics. It shows how pandemics affect countries’ ability to move forward on economic development and recognizes the value of multilateralism in combatting pandemics. It tyttГ¶ etsii vanhempaa miestГ¤ helps the international community build on the lessons and best practices learned and recognizes the need to support developing countries and build their national and regional capacities, he said. It ensures their timely access to medical equipment and tools. The Declaration also commends the important role of health care workers in preventing pandemics.

The representative of Namibia said the political declarations represent an opportunity for the international community to recommit to the prevention of, preparation for and more rapid responses to future pandemics. “Unfortunately, we have fallen short of the goal,” she said, adding that no consensus was reached on important language that speaks to ensuring equitable access to health care, technology transfer and the removal of intellectual property barriers as well as the investment in manufacturing to enable production in the Global South. She said that the promulgation of the punitiveness of unilateral coercive sanctions constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to the realization of the 2030 Agenda, emphasizing that what was adopted today was a minimum.

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